One can truly say this is really the ultimate navigation tool.With 65 jQuery plugin parameters there are thousands of customization options… literally! All menus on this page are initialized with the same jQuery plugin settings, all the differences you see between the menus are managed through data-attributes.
Cross Browser Support (IE9 – Firefox – Chrome – Opera – Safari) + browser fallback message for IE9 below cases
65 plugin parameters: you can control almost anything, and easy!
Horizontal or vertical orientation
Support for fullwidth dropdowns: any complex layout allowed, text blocks, video, tables, typograpy pictures
Easy skin control: set button colors, mouseover colors, text, shadows, alpha transparence directly with plugin parameters
Super granular Google font support: you can set font type and size for Main buttons, sub buttons /titles, subtitles and text
Auto active-button state: based on url address but it works even for # links (useful for ajax loaded pages)
25 predefined colors: ready to use color classes inspired from metro colors
Programmable responsive behavior: you can set the limit screen resolution for responsive mediaquery activation.